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Trade Measurement - "Harvest to Home" National Compliance Programme

In February 2017 the National Measurement Institute (NMI) will commence a national compliance programme targeting the weighing, packing and selling of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Every year in Australia millions of measurement-based transactions take place within the fresh fruit and vegetable industry. Whether you're a farmer packing produce, a wholesaler or retailer, accurate measurement is vital to ensure fair competition among businesses and give consumers confidence they are receiving the amount they pay for.

The "Harvest to Home" programme will run from February to June 2017 and include inspections at all levels of the supply chain, from initial place of packing through to retail. This will help assess compliance within the industry and ensure all stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities under the National Measurement Act 1960 (the Act).

NMI's trade measurement inspectors have monitoring powers under the Act which include right of entry to a business premise for the purpose of determining compliance, and collecting evidential material in the event a breach is detected. There is a range of enforcement options available when breaches of the Act are identified.

For general information on the trade measurement system and the obligations of trader under the law, please visit or phone the Trade Measurement Hotline on 1300 686 664.

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