WAFMA Membership
The WAFMA will support its members by:
Facilitating supportive links between WA farmers markets and the WAFMA
Ensuring best practice by supporting farmers markets to align with the AFMA Charter and definitions.
Providing technical guidance and resources when available, to farmers markets.
Facilitating WAFMA network meetings, committee meetings and annual general meetings.
Facilitating access to WAFMA correspondence as annual general meeting minutes and WAFMA committee meeting minutes via the secure on line member portal.
Member Rights:
The member entity can nominate a representative from their farmers’ market committee to the WAFMA committee via annual general meeting procedure.
The member entity representative/s is eligible to attend annual WAFMA member network meetings.
Member Responsibilities:
The member of the WAFMA must support the AFMA Charter in principal and predominately in practice.
The member of the WAFMA is the operating farmers market entity i.e. Margaret River Farmers Market Inc.
The member of the WAFMA can be a related non farmers market entity that supports the work of the WAFMA and AFMA
Membership is valid only where the annual membership fee is paid.
The WAFMA membership fees paid will support the Association to:
Host committee teleconferencing WA wide.
Cover annual web domain and maintenance charges.
Host Association face to face Network meetings for all WA farmers’ market members.
Annual Fee per Farmers Market.